Politiken - wrapped in knowledge
Giving Danes an easy accessible alternative to plastic filled wrapping paper
Waste management experts: Every Christmas, Danes uses 825 tonnes of wrapping paper, which is plastic coated, and therefor not recyclable. And unknowingly many put the plastic paper in the paper recycling bin - ruining the entire shipment. Luckily a far better alternative already exists: newspaper. The Danish newspaper Politiken is made of FSC certified paper, that makes it completely recyclable. But for many newspapers equal everyday life. And Christmas is everything but that. Every sunday during Christmas through 2019 we turned Politikens centerfold into wrapping paper. A wrapping paper advent calendar with four different editions, where we illustrated and changes the layout in articles about the consequences of climate change, so the paper was perfect for gift wrapping. All four sheets gave the Danes the opportunity to not only wrap their Christmas gifts in beautiful sustainable paper, but also pass on knowledge about the climate crisis and start a conversation about over consumption