Harbour Air ePlane
The world's first commercial all-electric plane, the six-seater Harbour Air ePlane.
The world's first commercial all-electric plane, the six-seater Harbour Air ePlane with an engine designed by Australian engineering firm MagniX, has taken flight in Canada. Operated by Harbour Air the six-seater, all-electric commercial seaplane completed a test flight in Canada, marking a "world-first milestone". The Harbour Air ePlane performed a 15-minute trial flight in the city of Richmond, south of Vancouver, on 10 December. It was piloted by Harbour Air CEO and founder Greg McDougall. "Today, we made history," said McDougall. "I am incredibly proud of Harbour Air's leadership role in re-defining safety and innovation in the aviation and seaplane industry." "Canada has long held an iconic role in the history of aviation, and to be part of this incredible world-first milestone is something we can all be really proud of," McDougall added.