Sehat Kahani
Sehat Kahani's network of E-Clinics brings affordable virtual female doctor all across Pakistan
Sehat Kahani features a wide range of ICT enabled health services all across Pakistan. The scope includes but is not limited to tele-medicine, health education and provision of ICT based solutions for gender adversity in health sector. Bridging the health care gap by bringing female doctors back into the healthcare workforce.50% of the total Pakistani population lacks access to a doctor in their community. Sehat Kahani’s network of E-Health Clinics ensures the presence of a virtual female doctor in communities where quality healthcare was still a dream. With the vision to help improve the promote health and prevent diseases in low-income communities, Sehat Kahani conduct Health awareness campaigns with different partners.They also provide a mobile and web based application, a holistic digital health solution that enables individuals to access primary and secondary healthcare services online.