Practice social distancing in
It’s understandable that we’re all a bit tired of social distancing, but the one-metre rule is as important now as it ever was. In fact, in the new norm, respecting each other’s personal space is absolutely essential to control the spread of the virus, protect our communities & make sure we all stay healthy, happy & safe. It doesn’t need to be hard. Actually, it could be a lot of fun. A chance to get creative and have a bit of a laugh. That’s exactly what the Norms are trying to show us. So be like a Norm. Show how much you care by practicing social distancing inside & in the open air. Practice social distancing at all times when you are in public. (Bonus points for wearing a mask!). Get creative with how you #respectthedistance. Extend-a-trend accessories, keep-away games, or some other genius idea that brings you & your friends together, whilst staying safely apart.Show off your brilliance on Instagram & be sure to tag us – @ThisIsNormville.