Tragedy & Hope
Tragedy & Hope is a website that is dedicated to creating inspiring and thought provoking media.
Tragedy & Hope is a YouTube channel and website that is dedicated to creating inspiring and thought provoking media. It is hoped that this material will help bring about a greater understanding and appreciation, of life and the world we live in. Tragedy & Hope was not set up to tell you what to believe or how to live your life, but simply provide support in the direction of higher awareness and understanding of life. Ultimately, it is solely up to each individual to bring about such changes within themselves, no teacher or external source can ever truly bring about this change, such change can only be brought about from within one’s self. As Galileo once said ” We cannot teach people anything, we can only help them discover it within themselves”. Why Tragedy & Hope? The idea for the name “Tragedy & Hope” came from a book of the same name written by Carroll Quigley.