Go Climate Strike
An Online Striking App from Fridays For Future
Because of the current coronavirus pandemic, it is time for us to go online. Use this app to send a tweet to a world leader reminding them that the climate can’t wait! The Go Climate Striking app is a way to climate strike and campaign online. The app helps the users to create a personal Twitter message directed to one of the world's top leaders. It can be used by anyone who wants to tell the decision-makers that the climate can’t wait. The app was created by Fridays For Future as an alternative to the globally- known school strikes, since the Covid-19 pandemic has made large gatherings unsafe. With the Go Climate Striking digital web app, Fridays for Future has made it possible for people to respect social distancing restrictions by striking and campaigning for the climate online. The more of us who use the app, the bigger the impact we can make.