The Onyx Platform
The first of the fully automated benchtop instruments, designed to enable genome editing
"Our mission is to enable customers to use biology in a majority of global markets," including energy, materials, agriculture and pharmaceuticals, says Inscripta CEO Kevin Ness. Onyx Platform enables researchers to engineer microbial libraries containing the full breadth and scope of possible edit types, in their own labs. This new genome engineering platform will offer immediate and significant benefits that will support bio-industrial materials development and manufactory. The simple part is starting with a single genome, selecting the edits to make with software, and pushing a button to get out a mix of millions of cells with up to 10,000 different genotypes, and the complex part will happen in the box. Important is also to add, that Inscripta considers security, both data security and biosecurity, a top priority for the business and has made significant investments in these areas.