Platform was built to connect agencies and producers with underrepresented talent.
We Believe that given the right tool, we can make more informed decisions, fulfill our responsibility to minimize inequality across the production industry and have better work as a result. Like our heroes at The 3% Conference, Free The Work and AdColor, our mission is to increase the equality of opportunities within the advertising business. Teams with a wide-range of perspectives from a variety of backgrounds and expertise make the work better. Finding underrepresented talent and inviting those with new experiences or points of view can be a challenge. Tight deadlines, quick decisions and the feedback of many can stand in the way of agencies and producers fostering new relationships. This is why we created Circle. This platform helps reconnect our industry with diverse talent and disciplines across all types of production, including digital, content, and experimental. Underrepresented talent refers to racial and ethnic backgrounds, genders and identities that are under-represented.