85 GOOD TIPS is a book for parents and other caregivers who have children with special needs.
Sometimes you simply need a good advice. That is the basis for this book. The option of seeking guidance gives comfort to parents and caregivers who cope with many challenging situations. This book is made for caretakers of children with special needs, mainly children with different types of psychological development disorders. A common denominator for children with “special needs” is that they are inhibited by their mental difficulties and are easily stressed in everyday life if they are not treated with “special care.” We have done our utmost to include recent knowledge from research and the fields of practice, and condensed it to short, readable advice with supporting illustrations as inspiration for trying new approaches. The book is designed as a reference book with easy-to-use tips, also to parents who feel challenged. The material is based on empirically evidenced ideas developed in practice. The tips are divided into categories considering daily demanding challenges.