I Feel From
"I Feel From" is a social movement creating open, inclusive and peaceful societies.
Most likely, the 258 million immigrant people of the world, everyday, have been answering questions asked to validate stereotypes about their country of origin. They have been put in boxes and been facing prejudice, mockery, and discrimination just because their nationalities are different. “I Feel From” social movement, to create open, inclusive and peaceful societies, challenges this focus on nationality with a new way of defining self that is based on feelings of belonging to rather than race, nationality or birthplace. The movement argues that our identities evolve over time through the fusion of inherited and the experienced culture. Anyone can form belonging to anywhere regardless of their nationality. The movement introduces “passport workshop” and “dynamics of belonging workshop”, which empower people to reflect on and own their multi-local identities. Exhibitions and merchandise spread the message and remove barriers. An online platform and a print magazine are on the making.