A Flexible Refrigerator Optimizing Use and Energy
Air, when it is dry and motionless, is inherently the best thermal insulator. The Frigid Air refrigerator exploits this air capacity thanks to an inflatable alveolar wall. The layer of air is divided into two layers, enclosing a honeycomb structure that prevents the transfer of positive and negative calories by minimizing radiation, convection and conduction. This replaces all types of existing rigid foam structures (polystyrene or polyurethane) usually used. A typical refrigerator always has the same volume of air to be cooled. “Frigid Air” flexibility allows you to change its volume capacity depending on the amount of food stored. The bag is sealed and it is possible to reduce the air volume by exerting pressure on it. Inside there is a protective waterproof textile, fixed by Velcro strips on the inflated wall. This allows for compartmentalizing food and makes cleaning the refrigerator easier.