Moez Street Wayfinding & Information System
Moez Street is one of the oldest streets in Cairo and bears witness to four Islamic dynasties
The street is approximately three kilometers long with monuments lining each side. The architectural and artistic features of each monument are unique to its time period. One would only hope that such a long iconic street would have a sufficient signage system to guide the people walking through it; however, the street lacks a guidance system. That is why there is a dire need for a signage system to serve as a wayfinding and identification system to highlight the street’s historic magnificence. Since Moez Street has monuments built over a span of eight centuries, it is a spectacle of several artistic and architectural styles. The signage and information system would have to be based on a visual identity created for the street. The visual identity will be delineated through the four dynasties’ decorative motifs and history, while also incorporating present-day culture.