Topro Smart Rollator
The smart rollator activate users physically and mentally, via fun and engaging training programs.
The municipality of Stavanger (Norway) needed a way to increase the activity level of elderly users on short-term stays in nursing homes. To give them a more significant degree of physicality and more capacity to live and cope with life in their own home. Better physical health leads to a reduction in the average length of each stay and the time in between, which may contribute to improving users’ quality of life, as well as potentially saving the municipality a considerable amount of money Topro and the municipality of Stavanger, with EGGS as a design partner, are developing a smart rollator. The rollator is equipped with intelligent sensors that collect and transform data as input to training programs and games that the elderly can use with their Topro rollator. As a user, you can share your data with your nurse on the nursing home, and your physiotherapist can set up different training programs, goals and read out the results.