Jets Vacuum water-saving toilets
These innovative toilets use mostly air to transport human waste.
With increased global population comes higher volumes of sewage that requires sanitation. And traditional gravity water toilets demand far too much of our precious energy and fresh water resources to function. Solution: The Jets vacuum toilets uses 90% less water than the conventional toilet; less than 1 litre of water per flush. The vacuum toilet systems from Jets uses mostly air to transport the waste. Results: Reduced energy consumption, and a drastic reduction of dependency on fresh water resources. It reduces the water required for transporting human waste from 17,000 litres to just 2,000 litres a year per person. In reducing dependency on these valuable resources, this solution also helps make sanitation more accessible to all. The system also uses up to 75% fewer pipes and parts, and waste can be transported in any direction (not only down = gravity). This is a system for the future, allowing sustainable sanitation to be installed anywhere, using less water and less materials.