Laser Cap
Laser Cap makes it possible to write in an accurate and proper way even on blank paper.
When most people write on a blank paper without lines, their writing moves up and down and they end up writing in a crooked manner. A ball-point pen lid has been designed with laser guide lines emerging from it in order to solve this problem. This makes it possible to write in an accurate and proper way even on blank paper. The laser guide lines coming out from the laser cap allows for anyone to write in an accurate and straight manner on blank paper. This means that it would no longer be necessary to waste extra paper, and users can gain the effect which is identical to writing on a paper with lines. When writing, it can be used by inserting the laser cap on the paper. The laser part of the ball-point pen moves up and down depending on the user’s necessity, and a 360-degrees rotation is made possible. Therefore, the height and angle can be controlled according to the layout of the writing that is to be written by the user. and it makes it very convenient to use.