An assistive writing tool that helps children/adults with learning disabilities learn how to write.
Statistically, every classroom is likely to have at least one student with a learning disability. Low confidence and dependence on constant personal guidance create hurdles for these students as well as the teachers when they are learning how to write. Children with these challenges often hold the pen too hard or too loose, which not only makes it harder for them to write correctly, but can ultimately lead to muscular injuries by straining them. Explaining how much pressure or force is needed can be equally challenging. Pressure is an invisible force and is an abstract concept for most children to understand. GripHint is an intelligent assistive writing tool for people with learning disabilities, dysgraphia and sensory integration problems. The product has embedded sensors that provides haptic feedback, alerting the child and teacher when the are holding the pen inappropriately. The haptic feedback allows the teacher to guide the child more easily on what they are doing.