Drive Amber
Amber makes sure you can drive. Around the clock. 100% electric.
Our story started in Eindhoven. As students at TU Delft, we saw more and more electric cars driving through the city. Much, but not enough. What we missed in our eyes was a compact and affordable model. An electric car for everyone. Only for this would people leave their petrol cars. We have our own view on your business kilometers. Just like you, we want you to be able to drive safely in a reliable car, without any hassle. That you can leave at any time. That your means of transport never lets you down. We also want more electric cars to come, especially in the business market. That cars do not stop unnecessarily and take up parking space. Have is out. Sharing is the new possession! With a fleet of 100% electric BMW i3s and an app that takes all your worries off your hands. Order, unlock, start, park and charge your Amber. Step into an Amber and you never want anything else. You have absolute certainty about your transport.