An app which uses a trained neural network to transform screenshots into lines of code.
It should only take seconds to validate an idea. Testing and iterating over multiple solutions with your team has never been easier! Whether you prefer to draw interfaces on paper, whiteboards, or napkins, Uizard transforms your wireframes to Sketch files according to your very own style guide UIzard Technologies has developed an app, Pix2Code, which uses a trained neural network to transform screenshots into lines of code. All it needs is an image of a design for a graphic user interface (GUI) and, once recognised, it begins to automatically churn out corresponding code. Even more impressively, it creates code that's compatible with Android, iOS and web-based technologies – a rare functionality across platforms. The Pix2Code prototype only needs a single input image and has demonstrated an accuracy of 77 per cent. Tony Beltramelli, the founder of UIzard, states that he believes Pix2Code has the potential to "end the need for manually-programmed GUIs".