INTO POD PHONE SMALL provides a space to call without disturbing those around you.
INTO POD PHONE SMALL was created to improve the privacy in open environments. In the time of open plan offices, support facilities such as phone booths are the way to support employees mental well-being. INTO POD PHONE SMALL solves disturbances in open plan environments. It is not just a closed room to make calls, but because of its closed back wall it provides visual shelter as well as sound friendly environment not just to its user, but people around also. We all know how stressful open plan environments can be. There's noise pollution and visual pollution. Concentrating to tasks at hand can be difficult. Work day can be complete chaos. Most people spend majority of their awakened time at work, and that stress and restlessness is easily brought to home. By improving the work well-being of the individuals, we improve their everyday life. Everyone deserve a healthy and functional work environment.