AIDA 2.0
Real-time information for car drivers in a virtual and interactive way without causing distraction.
An increasing amount of real time information is becoming available to car drivers as they move across the city. How can all of this data be presented without causing distraction? Aida 2.0 (Affective Intelligent Driving Agent 2.0) aims at estimating a driver's likely destination based on collective mobility patterns in the city and individual profile information - such as past riding behavior and online calendar entries. Being able to estimate a driver's likely destination helps greatly in the effort of filtering out those bits of information relevant to the driver or not. Aida propose and unprecendented interface that allows the driver access this information. In an effort to bring the virtual augmented map closer to the actual physical city seen through the windshield, Aida's interface exploits most unused area on the dashboard to establish a direct connection between the actual street and its representation on the digital map - seamlessly bridging the virtual and the real world.