A tool for journalists to search YouTube videos based on location and time.
The majority of people online—60 percent of internet users—live in countries that have engaged in some form of censorship. Every day, important news is silenced and activists are repressed by governments who want to limit free expression. Digital attacks can take news sites offline for as little as $20, and government firewalls can prevent people from finding information that matters to them. In some countries journalists risk prison or torture to report on important issues, and some governments pass increasingly harsh laws that crack down on free speech. Montage is a tool for journalists and human rights groups to search YouTube videos based on location and time and show results on a map. For those looking for documentation of war crimes and human rights violations, Montage could be invaluable, especially in the context of something like the Syrian conflict, where it can be difficult to find information online because the amount of video content uploaded is so vast.