Careticker enables unpaid caregivers to record tasks, and rewards users with redeemable incentives.
Careticker is a mobile app which could record the invaluable actions of millions of unpaid caregivers who look after older relatives at home — helping to keep them independent. Founder Chiara Bell decided that the input of this invisible workforce had gone unacknowledged for too long and created the mobile platform – currently in beta — to highlight the economic value of voluntary caregiving, and reward users with redeemable incentives. To begin, caregivers download the platform onto their iPhone or android and record tasks they undertake, tagging them into categories — which include bathing, wound-care and transportation. Each of the tasks earns points which translate into items such as a Wal-Mart gift card. The platform encourages interaction between caregivers enabling the sharing of advice and undoubtedly a sense of validation for their efforts.