The world’s first digitally-transformable sofa that could revolutionize home furniture
Lift-Bit is a modular seating system made up of a series of upholstered stools, each of which is equipped with its own linear actuator. These mini motors can be programmed to move the pieces up and down to create a custom sofa landscape that suits the situation. Bed? Chaise longue? Lounge-like chairs? Make it happen with motion-controlled activation up close, or by app from afar. Lift-Bit employs the Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies to radically define a new living experience. The prototype of Lift-Bit stems from the combination of a series of single, hexagonal stools. Each of them is motorized using a linear actuator which allows every element to be raised or lowered. This technology could be the beginning of a new way of creating furniture, where a single peace of furniture can take the shape of many.