Bottom Line
Helping students getting successfully through collage using intrusive advising.
Bottom Line’s goal is for students to graduate from college with minimal debt and prepared to enter the workforce. To achieve this, our unique Success program sends trained counselors to college campuses across Massachusetts to meet with students in-person multiple times throughout the year, supplemented with contact via Skype, Facebook and text message. This program is modeled on the philosophy of intrusive advising: a method of pro-active service to identify crisis points and connect students with the support that they need. Counselors use a codified curriculum to ensure students can overcome any obstacles that might get in the way of earning that degree. Bottom Line has identified the four areas most likely to cause college drop-out: Degree, Employability, Aid, and Life, or DEAL. Through this high-touch, high-impact model, students have the support and network they need to overcome obstacles, complete their degree, and be matched to a career relevant position.