scooter for life
Re-thinking mobility in old age.
This scooter with an trolley-like storage compartment was designed by London studio PriestmanGoode to make it easier for people with limited mobility to get around. The Scooter For Life was commissioned for the New Old exhibition at London's Design Museum, which explores how designers can enhance people's day-to-day experiences in later life. PriestmanGoode co-founder Paul Priestman saw the project as an opportunity to develop a product that not only supports older people as their mobility decreases, but also encourages them to stay physically active for longer. The fold-down adaptable design is based on a micro scooter – an object Priestman describes as "ubiquitous" in many of today's families, but that older people are rarely seen with. As part of the development process, the studio conducted a number of research sessions and focus groups. In one, a participant described a traditional mobility scooter as having a "stench of decay".