graphene material
Ten times stronger than steel but is only 5% as dense, and it could revolutionize architecture.
The material is composed of graphene, a two-dimensional form of carbon that's considered to be the strongest of all known materials. But because the 2D form of graphene is so thin—it's only one atom thick—it's impractical for building purposes. The team's breakthrough is in creating a 3D geometry out of graphene using a combination of heat and pressure. During testing, they found that the samples of the porous material were ten times stronger than steel, even though they were only 5% as dense. The material could have a positive environmental impact in architecture. Its porous structure and large surface area could act as a filter for water or air—which has potential applications in building green structures. Because it's made of carbon, the material is chemically and mechanically stable. The material have the potential to make the building of a 'space elevator, transporting materials between earth and space, possible,