Creating green commons in the cities for you, me and the rest of the world.
In 2014-2015 TagTomat held workshops empowering local citizens to create green commons in their neighbourhoods. One of the tools for empowerment was SeedBombs. A SeedBomb is a ball made of organic soil, clay and mixed flower seeds. The SeedBomb can be dropped somewhere in the city that has access to sun and rain or it can be planted in a pot. It also comes with a little DIY-manual for how to make your own seed bombs. Combining this standard box, with some modern yet “flower power” graphics, wrapped in reused paper, what have been a tool for social empowerment suddenly became a product. The product itself attracts the eye, and each step unwrapping it gives a DIY-experience. TagTomat believes that by spreading seeds in our cities, every citizen can partipate and create green commons for everyone. The value is not the flower itself, but in everything it creates around it. Why not plant every plot of unused land in our cities with seedbombs, creating new ways of interacting and smiling.