Soli is a purpose-built interaction sensor that uses radar for motion tracking of the human hand.
Soli is a new sensing technology that uses miniature radar to detect touchless gesture interactions.The Soli chip incorporates the entire sensor and antenna array into an ultra-compact 8mm x 10mm package. The concept of Virtual Tools is key to Soli interactions: Virtual Tools are gestures that mimic familiar interactions with physical tools. This metaphor makes it easier to communicate, learn, and remember Soli interactions. Imagine an invisible button between your thumb and index fingers – you can press it by tapping your fingers together. Or a Virtual Dial that you turn by rubbing thumb against index finger. Imagine grabbing and pulling a Virtual Slider in thin air. These are the kinds of interactions we are developing and imagining. Even though these controls are virtual, the interactions feel physical and responsive. Soli sensor technology works by emitting electromagnetic waves in a broad beam.