WE’VE focuses on economic independence, fair wage, transparency and prevention of human trafficking.
WE'VE is a global online collective of skilled artisans and democratically co-designed products. WE'VE reimagines the relationship between buyers, artisans and designers to transform the way we co-create products and how to show radical transparency: the artisans share directly their step by step “making” story. WE'VE's business model supports economic independence for artisan communities through collaborative partnerships. Artisans and designers are paid fairly for their talent and their skills are honored. WE’VE’s partnerships help foster design skills, business acumen and job stability. The goal is to create viable livelihoods, so the artisans, their families and communities have a thriving network of support. In some areas of the world, WE’VE’s partnerships help prevent human trafficking. The transparency of WE’VE’s e-commerce community transforms the way that buyers, artisans, and designers perceive and interact, revolutionizing the relationship to the creation process.