Floating Solutions for climate adaptation and poverty populations
Amphibian social constructions that adapt to rainy seasons by resting or floating at the same place.
Due to the effects of climate change, 38 million people are displaced around the world. Colombia, a country greatly affected by these disasters, has experienced the highest levels of disaster occurrence in Latin America over the last 30 years. Of these, 36.8% are recurrent floods. Just from 2010 to 2011, these floods left more than 3 million people affected, over 350 casualties, and 17,000 houses destroyed mainly in poor populations. Inspired by the interplay between design, innovation, and technology, this project focuses on the development of amphibian social constructions and communities that adapt to rainy seasons by resting or floating at the same place. By doing so, the design not only allows for populations in risk to lead normal lives, but also to easily adapt to the effects of climate change. Floating solutions are intended to the construction of amphibian communities (i.e. including schools, health centers, etc.) that adapt to different flooding levels.