A layered, reusable, biodegradable paper plate. Peeling off the used layer, reveals a clean plate!
Annually, the USA produces 2,38 million tons of waste generated from disposable cups and plates alone! Disposable plates are thrown away after one use, while the plate is still in good condition, and only the upper layer is spoiled by food. The service-ware industry is growing, expected to reach USD 8.6 billion in 2015. Meanwhile, environmental costs are cumulating. And cultural behavior of disposables can’t easily be changed, we set out to design a better way. Our solution, Plate-oh, a biodegradable paper plate with a unique construction of individual layers pressed together. Allows the user to peel off the used upper layer, revealing a clean plate underneath. It lasts for up to 10 uses. It maintains the conveniences of disposable paper plates; It’s easy, economical, it’s compact and sustainable. A smart disposable plate, that you can literally use to the last layer. Saving up to 60% of materials and manufacturing emissions, and up to 85% on shipping and packaging costs.