SokoText uses mobile tech to empower small-scale food vendors – for better business and easier live
Small-scale food vendors are the gatekeepers to what millions of people at the Base of the Pyramid eat everyday.In Colombia alone, there are 340.000 such vendors, providing over 70% of the food consumed.Caught in a cycle of small quantities and low capital, they’re forced to travel to faraway markets to stock up at retail prices.That’s why SokoText uses mobile phones to aggregate demand via App or SMS and provide access to wholesale prices currently inaccessible to the vendors, making their lives easier and their business better. The system is simple: 1.Affiliated vendors pre-order fresh produce using their mobile phones. 2.Our software aggregates demand into a daily collective order. 3.Sourcing in bulk directly from farmers, we offer cheaper prices. 4.Vendors receive the orders at their doorstep. Vendors who use SokoText save the time and money spent travelling to markets and access high quality produce at better prices, all thanks to the simple technology already in their hands.