Library Compass
Engaging young and old by making public libraries an interactive space of knowledge and experience.
In times of digitalization, what is the future of books and public libraries? At the Main Public Library in Copenhagen, a service was developed that helps users and librarians to better search, find and connect knowledge. The goal was to bridge the gap between digital and traditional media. This is achieved through a smartphone app with indoor navigation. Modular components of inexpensive Bluetooth/iBeacon sensors allow digitally-enhanced services like mobile book search, curated indoor-guides, eBook-links and social media. The services simplify tasks, save time, enrich the user experience and potentially build a local platform of knowledge and sharing. This creates new ways of interacting with a library‘s knowledge base and other users. Instead of perceiving the library as a traditional source of knowledge, it becomes a platform - an interactive space for young and old to playfully navigate, contribute and conquer alone or together.