Luggage made from old lorry tarpaulin.
Back in 2012, Mat found many of his bags broke because he overfilled them or loaded them with sharp edged objects, like skis or snowboards. Even while at university he found many bags broke because they were knocked or caught on sharp corners. Frustrated with having to buy a new bag every year, Mat decided to design his own. After graduating, he started experimenting with a few different materials including old sandbags, scrap polythene and tarpaulin. After making many prototypes (too crude to show on the web) Mat found that canvas material was durable enough for the job. This quickly led to salvaging old lorry curtains from around the UK. M-24 recycles these used/discarded lorry curtains into bespoke bags. The material is incredibly strong, waterproof and full of character making it perfect for hauling your cargo around. Each truck tarp bag is hand made in Somerset, UK and completely unique because of the huge variety of lorry curtains that we collect.