Insulin injection system for solitary elder
How does it work?
With the three intelligent functions of the product: automatic injection process, injection site reminder, and platform management records, starting from assisting the elderly living alone in the injection process, daily injections are made safer.
Why is it needed?
At present, diabetes became the top five causes of death for the elderly over 65 years old in 2022. According to the survey, it is found that the majority of users don't spend enough time on injections and repeat injection site, which not only leads to waste of drugs, but also increases the risk of hypoglycemia. Among them, solitary elderly are prone to incorrect operation due to the deterioration of body functions during injection, which increases the risk of not being able to obtain timely rescue.
How does it improve life?
Through KHA TSHIU, it is expected to achieve the above three benefits and achieve Taiwan SDG3 "ensure and promote healthy life and well-being of all age groups" to reduce the mortality rate of diabetes among solitary elderl. daily injections are made safer.