Stix Mindfulness
A screen-free electronic device that gamifies mindfulness for children.
How does it work?
The product is made up of two remotes, one held in each hand, and a supporting app to help track progress and reward children for continued practice. The hand-held remotes track movement during self-selected activities and provide children with visual, haptic, and auditory feedback to guide them through their mindfulness practice. Activities involving mindfulness of the breath, body, and mind encourage movement, balance, stillness, and more. They can be selected by the app and synced over-air, or simply by holding the buttons to activate the activity in offline mode. Progress and rewards can be reviewed on the app and are illustrated through the development of an interactive monster character.
Why is it needed?
Stress and anxiety have more presence in children's lives nowadays, it is important to teach them how to deal with difficulties and everyday challenges. Stix offers a fun approach to mindfulness with tangible technology that offers audio, visual and haptic feedback, as well as a gamification element to each activity.
How does it improve life?
Through the practice of mindful activities, the design enables children to take responsibility for their mental well-being while bringing effective strategies to the parents. This product aims to educate children about what mental health is, so they can implement meditation techniques throughout their life.