Hand. is a low-cost hand surgery simulator that allow young surgeons to learn surgical procedures.
HAND is a hand and reconstructive microsurgery simulator created to help young surgeons learn surgical procedures like syndactyly release and Z-plasty by bridging the gap between learning from the textbook and actually performing the procedure on a patient for the first time. By making use of common material found in the hospital (gloves, dressing films), HAND greatly reduces the cost required for each training and this will help to solve the current situation of limited chance of surgeons being able to practice the procedures. The “skin”, which is simulated by gloves with overlaid dressing film to mimic the various layer of the actual human skin, accurately represents how the human skin reacts when incised. This allows the young surgeon to gain a three dimensional understanding of how the skin flaps fall into place. Areas of training involved includes planning, incising and suturing. These areas, if done well, will reduce skin grafting required and decrease recovery time.