Noya captures carbon from cooling towers
How does it work?
Noya adds ducting and CO? capture equipment alongside a cooling tower that won't affect its operation and doesn't have a significant physical footprint. Carbon credits are then shared and generated through capturing and permanently removing CO?, so it is possible to offset the building's emissions.
Why is it needed?
There is a reasonable chance that the U.S. will become carbon negative in the foreseeable future. This prospect holds despite the political dilution and the recent Supreme Court ruling to hamstring the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate industrial Co2 emissions. Maybe, within a decade, a single company will be able to remove more carbon dioxide per year from the atmosphere than the U.S. emits during an entire year. Noya’s business is carbon dioxide removal (CDR) using direct air capture (DAC). Instead of starting from ground zero, Noya’s clever way of addressing the challenge is to retrofit existing infrastructure to capture carbon dioxide.
How does it improve life?
Noya aims to re-engineer the world to harness the opportunity that climate change presents. Retrofit the 2M existing cooling towers across the country to perform direct air capture. Use these capital-light installations to rapidly scale the amount of CO? we capture from the atmosphere. Take the captured CO? and sequester it permanently, sell it as a product, or use it to make new products. By following these steps, The company's ultimate approach is to accelerate the world towards carbon neutrality.