A powerful platform built for better things.
How does it work?
We create tools that link simple, everyday acts of wellness with benefits for families and support for global causes. It is a powerful combination of personal effort, financial reward, and social impact that starts and ends with individuals motivated to be better, do better and create something better for the world. No matter who you are, you have the power to make a difference. Whether you’re an individual or an organization, Betterfly uses technology, integrations with the best wellness and fitness apps, and connects with global causes to turn good habits into extraordinary benefits for companies, communities, and the world.
Why is it needed?
Walk a mile, gain a dollar of financial protection and support causes around the world. Then, at the organizational level, get credit for the good we can do when we all work together toward better.
How does it improve life?
We believe in a world in which every person is financially protected and empowered to live their best life. So, it motivates, challenge, and track progress in your fitness training.