A world-first alpha isotope generator
AdvanCell behind the revolutionary Targeted Alpha Therapy for cancer
How does it work?
AdvanCell is an Australian clinical stage radiopharmaceutical company with a platform technology for a revolutionary cancer treatment called Targeted Alpha Therapy. AdvanCell's Generator is a world-first alpha isotope generator which addresses the greatest unmet need in targeted alpha therapy – the reliable and scalable supply of isotope. The manufacture of clinical doses of a high-value isotope Alpha 212® (Lead-212) for use in targeted radionuclides therapy is a game-changer for prostate and several other cancer treatments.
Why is it needed?
Current production methodologies severely impact the availability of radionuclide therapy and limits access for patients in need. The challenge was to design + engineer a small footprint generator that could be produced and operated at scale around the state, country + world to serve large patient populations. The generator needed to shield operators from radiation, be intuitive to use and enable reliable production of radio isotopically pure product for an extended period. The goal was to cultivate a design that would encompass all aspects of the electronics + mechanical apparatus that are used to automate the novel production of the high-value isotope (Lead-212). The generator would be required to run continuously for 24-hours to produce clinical doses. Lead-212 possesses a half-life of 10.6 hours.
How does it improve life?
By making the Lead-212 isotope available for treatment at hospitals around the world, AdvanCell's Isotope Generator has the ability to be the integral platform for the development and delivery of novel cancer treatments.