Defeating breats cancer!
How does it work?
Mamotest provides a high-quality diagnosis and a technological solution to accompany the patient to defeat breast cancer. We work from awareness and high-quality imaging diagnosis to patient follow-up, whether or not treatment is needed. In addition, thinking about how to pationts and that the patients own their information, we developed our own platform to follow up, where we take note of each clinical history, its data, information about the results, and that enhances the health tool. Understanding that the more mammograms we perform, the more we understand the disease, and the more we defeat it.
Why is it needed?
Breast cancer is the number 1 cancer worldwide, however, it is the least aggressive if detected early. It has a 98% survival rate. 80% of cancers in developing countries are detected at a late stage with a 27% survival rate. And added to this, in the face of a possible diagnosis, the health system is not designed to accompany the patient, so the woman is abandoned, without information and without the possibility of making the best decision for her diagnosis.
How does it improve life?
We are changing the health system from one that cures patients, to one that prevents diseases.