Twin Health
Reverse and prevent chronic metabolic diseases for a healthier, happier you
How does it work?
Your Whole Body Digital Twin™ is a dynamic, digital representation of your unique metabolism, built from thousands of data points gathered daily from non-invasive wearable sensors and self-reported preferences. Your Twin delivers individualized guidance to help you reverse and prevent multiple chronic metabolic diseases. Your Whole Body Digital Twin™ delivers precise, personalized guidance about nutrition, sleep, activity, and breathing through an easy-to-use app. It continuously monitors your health so that your healthcare provider and care team can take quick action based on what’s right for you, right now.
Why is it needed?
Everyone’s metabolism is different. What’s most impactful for you is different than what’s most impactful for your neighbor, your friend, your colleague. Instead of one-size-fits-all diets and unrealistic exercise regimens, your Whole Body Digital Twin™ helps you focus on the actions that matter most to reversing your chronic metabolic disease.
How does it improve life?
Our clinical research team is conducting the world’s first randomized controlled trial for reversing chronic metabolic disease using digital twin technology. Trial data published in the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes journal shows first-of-their-kind health outcomes.