Manage, prove and communicate the social and environmental impact along your products' supply chains
How does it work?
Using an advanced integration, seedtrace and Koa are tracing products back to their roots while irreversibly storing critical data points on an open blockchain. All the information is easily and interactively accessible through the seedtrace platform, both for B2B clients and consumers. With only a few clicks, you can integrate your product journey into your Webshop. Our digital platform lets you engage with your customers at any point of sale. Our platform includes a digital proof system and impact framework to import and manage any documentation and certification of your products, directly from suppliers or third parties. This allows for efficient supply chain management, enabling you further to demonstrate each product's social & environmental impact. All sustainability claims are clustered according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Why is it needed?
The consumer of tomorrow wants to be informed before making any purchase decision. Go one step further and not only tell your customers what they need to know, but also prove these stories across all channels.
How does it improve life?
We help you in customer communication at every stage of the sales process and at all your customer touchpoints. Highlight the special features of your products and bring them closer to your customers in an intuitive way. We help you build a relationship with your customers from the very first contact.