Know who harvests your crops, who collects your waste for recycling, and who mines your minerals
How does it work?
Get complete transparency as you track and trace goods and services from every mile and see an immediate increase in productivity. With BanQu's flexible platform, small organizations can manage end-to-end, while large companies can start on one use case at a time as they scale up. Using cutting-edge blockchain technology, BanQu helps global brands implement fully traceable, transparent, and auditable supply chains in more than 50 countries. Most importantly BanQu’s platform ensures that farmers, recyclers, laborers within your supply chain have equal rights and access to their data, for true equitability and impact. Track every shipment, payment, and contribution - from origin to post-consumer. Boost visibility and ROI. See every transaction in real-time, with secure accuracy and precision. Go digital and increase efficiency. Ensure every entity in your supply chain gets credit for their contributions. Achieve ESG compliance and make an impact.
Why is it needed?
Prevention of unethical practices, such as deforestation and child labor. Making supply chains more efficient.
How does it improve life?
Reduce costs and quickly solve issues with unprecedented, real-time visibility into your supply chain. Achieve ESG requirements and build a trustworthy brand name by tracking raw materials and finished items from source to shelf to salvage. Replace paper-based, error prone processes with a digital and equitable one from lowest to top tiers. Ensure ethical sourcing and real impact by knowing every face and place your goods pass throughout your entire value chain.