A small series of handmade home goods combining traditional techniques with contemporary aesthetics.
How does it work?
The concept of itthon. (meaning home in Hungarian) is a brand that aims to expand the opportunities of the craftsmen living in the designer's hometown (Ada, Vojvodina) based on the traditions of the region. The objects mix local values and expertise with contemporary design tools, creating a new market opportunity for the community. The project also aims to create a community of artisans beyond the economic benefits. The products are small scale, locally sourced, high quality and long lasting everyday objects that respond to the emotional and functional needs of a home, using sustainable means. In terms of function, they include seating, storage, serving bowls, vases, candle holders and rolling pins.
Why is it needed?
Many people leave the city of Ada in Vojvodina, the hometown of Bálint. Meanwhile the possibility is given to bring positive changes with the help of strengthening local values. The itthon. project targets low-tech workshops with a high level of experience and expertise. As one of the aims of the project is to create a link between local makers, the choice of materials means that the creation of a single product deliberately requires the collaboration of several artisans. It offers an alternative to mass-produced, low-quality imported products.
How does it improve life?
The products combine traditional artisan techniques with the contemporary expertise of the leading designer. It draws attention to the benefits and beauty of local, small series items, while preserving the centuries-old tradition of various crafts and offering a range of items that fit into today's household. The creators of itthon. are convinced that designers can play a catalytic role through community projects that create positive social impact. They aim to motivate the community to use their artisanal heritage and they highlight their opportunities to turn this know-how for their advantage, prospering in a more sustainable future.