The world’s first reef tile 3D printed in clay – adaptive, and earth friendly
How does it work?
archiREEF aims to restore degraded marine ecosystems and mobilise blue carbon to achieve carbon neutrality. Our team designed the world’s first artificial reef structure 3D-printed in terracotta. Our reef tiles are truly ocean-friendly and integrate biomimicry to enhance coral survivorship and growth. Our reef tiles are 4 times more effective in keeping corals alive than conventional restoration methods.
Why is it needed?
The United Nations has included ecosystem restoration in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) which states “take action for marine and coastal ecosystem restoration to achieve healthy and productive oceans”. Starting from 2021, the UN elevated advocacy by declaring 2021 to 2030 to be the “Decade on Ecosystem Restoration”.
How does it improve life?
This is a pilot restoration project that saves more than 600 corals of opportunity. Our reef tile was first adopted by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSAR, as an active management tool to aid coral restoration in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. Three sites were selected as restoration sites inside the park, which include coral beach, Moon Island, and a sheltered bay near the WWF marine life education centre.