Repairable and modular kitchen appliance
How does it work?
A multipurpose kitchen appliance allowing users to cook whatever they want. Unlike usual kitchen appliances that are sealed, the Nobsolete tool is intended to be opened up so you don’t have to throw it away in case it fails.
Why is it needed?
Most products designed and sold today follow a model based on obsolescence and irreparability which can be resumed as follows: buy - use - throw away - replace. This causes overproduction and overconsumption; it also explains how we end up with more than 50 megatons of electronic waste each year.
How does it improve life?
Nobsolete’s global ambition is to rebuild our relationship with our products by fighting against material obsolescence and unnecessary product renewal. We start with the kitchen tool, but following the need for more sustainable objects, we will redesign other products with the same mindset to create a more repairable world.