It isn't like meat – it's meat.
How does it work?
Meatable makes 100% real, delicious, guilt-free meat. With one cell, they're revolutionising the meat industry's impact on climate change and animal welfare. At the same time theyøre increase food security, without compromising the culinary experience of eating tasty, real meat. Meatables takes samples from an unharmed cow or pig and then replicate the natural process of fat and muscle growth, and mix the two elements together to produce meat. Real, succulent, delicious meat. A new natural process. The difference is, while it takes a cow around three years to develop enough meat to be slaughtered, Meatable can do the whole thing in just a couple of weeks.
Why is it needed?
Industrial farming is responsible for 15% of all GHG emissions and cattle farming is a major driver of global deforestation and it takes 1,799 gallons of water to produce just 1lb of beef. The average Western diet comprises of over 1,000 animals in a lifetime.
How does it improve life?
Meatable raised a $10 million round of funding in 2019, and followed that up with a $47 million Series A in 2021. In July 2022, they, for the very first time, showed what Meatable's cooked sausages look like. “As it is our proprietary product, tasting is allowed under strict circumstances for the founders and owners at this time,” CEO Krijn de Nood told TechCrunch. “We can reveal now that myself and my co-founder Daan (Luining) have been able to finally taste our sausages, and know that we are on the right track towards the full launch in 2025, if not sooner.”