A SaaS platform for cities to operationalize Climate Action Plans.
How does it work?
The ClimateOS platform. The world’s first SaaS to operationalize Climate Action Plans to help cities manage their entire climate transition. What once took cities 6-12 months can now take days, if not hours. Climate plans that were once hidden away in static PDFs are now the focal point of an evolving, dynamic collaboration platform.
Why is it needed?
ClimateView was born from a shift in perspective: any successful climate transition has to continue to meet the economic needs of citizens — not simply by reducing activities that increase our carbon footprint — but by shifting the mechanisms by which we meet those needs. ClimateView first began in 2018 as the Panorama Project for the nation of Sweden (and was later adopted as a budget priority for the entire country in 2020). Innovative cities from across Europe shared with us their planning challenges. We drew the attention of some influential investors and organizations. New collaborations began. Deeper insights were gained. Tools and methodologies were refined to make goals attainable.
How does it improve life?
To create innovative technology to help cities understand and execute the shifts necessary to address the climate emergency.