Increasing independence for people with visual impairments through wearables
How does it work?
Blinten helps the blind expand their social activities by making it easier for them to move around. It enables blind people to go anywhere they want without assistance. The wearable device helps them walk independently by identifying obstacles and overcoming difficulties in reading braille. There are three types of wearables depending on different needs.
Why is it needed?
Blind people have a limited scope of movement, inhibiting their ability to partake in everyday life. Vision impairment severely impacts quality of life among adult populations. Adults with vision impairment often have lower rates of workforce participation and productivity and higher rates of depression and anxiety. In the case of older adults, vision impairment can contribute to social isolation, difficulty walking, a higher risk of falls and fractures, and a greater likelihood of early entry into nursing or care homes (WHO).
How does it improve life?
Increasing the autonomy in people with visual impairments will help them to lead a better and improved life.